VOX — Centre de l’image contemporaine

Núria Güell

Núria Güell, _Intervención #1_, still, video, 2012. Courtesy of the artist and ADN Galería.

I was born in Vidreres, a village near the city of Girona (Catalonia), in 1981. And here I am still, as this is my base camp. Not living in a big city is a decision, a political decision, like all the others. I graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona and continued my studies at the Cátedra de Arte de Conducta in Havana, Cuba. From that moment on, I have held exhibitions in art centres around the world and participated in many biennials. In addition, I have been awarded several prizes and I regularly work with social centres and schools.

As I have always found CVs to be tedious, I am not going to include the entire list of awards and commissions here. If anyone is interested in it, please visit my website: nuriaguell.com