Barbara Clausen

Barbara Clausen is a curator and art historian who lives and works in Montreal. She teaches art history at at the Université du Québec à Montreal, UQAM and has since 1997 worked at Dia Art Foundation (New York), DeAppel (Amsterdam), and Documenta11 (Cassel). She has curated a.o. the exhibition and performance series After the Act (2005), as well as co-curated the performance and lecture series wieder und wider /Again and against (2006) at the MUMOK Vienna, and most recently Push and Pull (2010/2011) a collaboration between MUMOK Vienna and TATE Modern in London. She has most recently curated Down Low Up High Performing the Vernacular at Argos in Brussels (2011) and is currently curating the first solo-exhibition of the French-American filmmaker and artist Babette Mangolte for VOX, to open in January 2013. Clausen writes extensively on performance art and performative curatorial practices and is the editor of After the Act: The (Re)Presentation of Performance Art (2006). [Source : VOX, 2013]