Juan Ortiz-Apuy

Costa Rica–born Juan Ortiz-Apuy has lived and worked in Montréal since 2003. He holds a BFA from Concordia University, where he now teaches, along with a postgraduate diploma from the Glasgow School of Art and an MFA from NSCAD University. Working in his favoured techniques of collage and assemblage, he makes art driven by thinking around consumer goods, often employing humour to explore the advertising and media strategies associated with them. His works–which he presents in the form of multimedia installations–draw inspiration from design, art history and pop culture. His work has been shown in several museums and art centres across Canada as well as abroad, including Axenéo7 (Gatineau, 2022), Open Space (Victoria, 2021), VOX, centre de l’image contemporaine (Montréal, 2021), the Fondation Phi pour l’art contemporain (Montréal, 2019), OPTICA, centre d’art contemporain (Montréal, 2019), the Carleton University Art Gallery (Ottawa, 2018), the IKEA Museum (Älmhult, Sweden, 2018), ARTSPACE (Peterborough, 2014), Birch Contemporary Gallery (Toronto, 2013), as well as at MOMENTA | Biennale de l’image in Montréal (2019) and Manif d’art 7 in Québec City (2014). Juan Ortiz-Apuy is an assistant professor in the Department of Studio Arts at Concordia University. [Source: VOX, 2023]