Scott McFarland
Scott McFarland lives and works in Vancouver.
Since the late 1990s he has been producing photographic stage settings that circumvent the documentary practice while at the same time drawing inspiration from it. His images are reconstructed realities that take on a strange and narrative character when retranslated into imagery. He has become known, among other things, for his capturing of the ambience of interiors and private gardens in and around Vancouver. His work has been presented in solo exhibitions at the Monte Clark Gallery and the Contemporary Art Gallery of Vancouver, in 2003; at the Essor Gallery in London, in 2002; at Torstrasse 102 in Berlin, in 1999; and at the Or Gallery in Vancouver, in 1998. He has also been represented in many group exhibitions in Canada and Europe. His work will be presented in Berlin in early 2005 in the exhibition The Space of Making, co-produced by VOX and the Neuer Berliner Kuntsverein. [Source: VOX, 2005]