The Radical Imaginary II: Reclaiming Value. Round table
L’économie est l’institution observée dans ce deuxième volet de la série d’expositions L’imaginaire radical, organisé par un collectif d’artistes et de chercheurs constitué d’Erik Bordeleau, François Lemieux, Marilou Lemmens et Bernard Schütze.
Join artists Amy Balkin, Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill, Bahar Noorizadeh and Tania Willard for this virtual round table led by the curators of the exhibition The Radical Imaginary II: Reclaiming Value.
Amy Balkin is an artist whose works propose alternatives for conceiving the public domain outside current legal and discursive systems, addressing property relations, environmental justice, and equity in the context of climate change.
Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill is a Métis artist and writer. Hill’s sculptural practice explores the history of found materials to enquire into concepts of land, property, and economy.
Bahar Noorizadeh is an artist, writer and filmmaker. Her research examines the historical advance of speculative activity and its derivative politics in art, urban life, and finance and economics.
Tania Willard, Secwepemc Nation, works within the shifting ideas of contemporary and traditional as it relates to cultural arts and production.