2001.12.05 - 2001.15.07
About the confidence
Enrico Lunghi : (…) We tried to combine works and artists which would seize the viewer’s interest by the immediacy of an experience while at the same time revealing one or several aspects of interiority, of intimacy, be it their own, that of others, or else their idea of it. And so, we arrived at the concept of “confidence”, which seemed to best explain our quest and, somehow, a phrase from Montaigne came to my mind, in which he admitted, that in the end, the relationship with the other has to do with two beings, two bodies, two souls, which no “reason” could determine: “If you urge me to tell wherefore I loved him, I feel it cannot be expressed but by answering: Because it was he, because it was myself”.1
Marie-Josée Jean : (…) The projects we show in this exhibition give shape to confidences — the artist’s own, as much as those documented by the artists — with the aim of querying these simultaneous relationships from oneself to the other. It also means formulating an image of oneself while delivering it to that other’s personal competences. (…)
E.L. : (…) There might indeed be uncontrollable, terrifying impulses which, once they pierce the surface to appear in full daylight, often leave behind them damaged beings, wounds whose scars remain, until the very end, cracks ready to split open. (…)
M-J.J. : (…) A revelation can also lead to misapprehensions, ambiguities, and even lead to conflicts between individuals.(…)
Extracts from a conversation between Enrico Lunghi (Casino Luxembourg) and Marie-Josée Jean (VOX) curators of the exhibition, published in the catalogue Confidences, (Luxembourg/ Montréal, Casino Luxembourg/VOX, centre de diffusion de la photographie, 2001).