Lieux et non-lieux de l’actualité
Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal
2003.09.03 - 11.02
Le Mois de la photo à Montréal presents an exhibition which brings together works from four artists around the theme Now. Images of Present Time.
Now that the photograph has ceded its monopoly over the depiction of factual history to visual forms more expedient in relaying the shocks of current events, what « experience » of the present are we brought to through contemporary photography? From local dramas to international news, from miscellaneous trivia to historical records, how do contemporary photographic practices interpret what is going on around us? Taking note of the historical legacy of photojournalism and its spin-offs in the field of contemporary artistic practice, the 8th presentation of Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal intends to take stock of the most innovative artistic approaches to the representation of events.