VOX — Centre de l’image contemporaine

Skawennati, The Peacemaker Returns, still, 2017. Courtesy of the artist.

We Extend the Rafters

2018 - 2024

The Peacemaker Returns, is a futuristic saga set in 3025 yet firmly rooted in the ancestral Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) confederation story and featuring historical figures such as Tekanawí:ta, Jacques Cartier, and a president addicted to Twitter! This new machinima–an animation-style movie produced on the virtual reality platform Second Life–is the core of the children’s exhibition, designed specifically for kids aged 5 to 11 by Skawennati. Audiences of all ages are invited to (re)discover some traditions in the artist’s « museum of the future, » an original installation.

Specification sheet

Space required: minimum space required : 80 m² (860 ft²)
Availability: starting September 2018
Languages: English and French

Components - exhibition

The Peacemaker Returns, 2017, Machinima, sound, 18 min 38 s
Wampums, 2017, Leather, sinew, beads
— Backlit plinths for wampums
— LED light aluminum structure (height: 2,75 m) x (width: 2,9 m)
x (length: 4,9 m)
— Cushions

Components - education

— Family booklet
— Game cylinders for interactive workshop
— Pre- and post-visit document for teachers
— Scenario for the visit and the workshop
— Video tutorials for the training of educators

View of the exhibition _Skawennati. Teiakwanahstahsontéhrha’ | We Extend the Rafters_, VOX, 2018.

This exhibition was produced in 2017 by VOX, centre de l’image contemporaine in partnership with Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace (AbTeC) and Obx Labs, with financial support from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Quebec Ministry of Culture and Communications and the City of Montreal under the Agreement on the Cultural Development of Montreal, as well as the Community Fund for Canada’s 150th.