Diane Landry. Celestial Mechanics
VOX invites children (6 to 12 years old) to discover contemporary art with this brand new exhibition created just for them! With Celestial Mechanics, artist Diane Landry offers young audiences an artistic, philosophical and ecological reflection on the notion of time. Using everyday items and repurposed materials brought to life through movement, light, sound and video, she explores the distinct time scales specific to humanity, nature and the universe. Through her creative, poetic lens, the artist transforms these simple objects–including bicycle wheel rims, plastic bags and water bottles–into long-term signifiers of our lifestyle choices. Diane Landry’s kinetic works will prompt children to ask questions about how time passes–quickly or slowly, as the case may be !
Visit and mediation activity for primary school classes
Elementary schools can take part in a complementary workshop on media archeology that will give children the opportunity to think about the instantaneous nature of our current relationship to photography and video, and the technological advances that enabled this shift. The activities in connection with the exhibition visit are designed and facilitated by educators specialized in visual arts.
Education program
Primary Cycles 1, 2 and 3
Broad areas of learning addressed
Media literacy
Environmental awareness and consumer rights and responsabilities
Targeted areas of learning
Visual Arts: To appreciate works of art, traditional artistic objects, media images, personal productions and those of classmates.
Social Sciences: To construct a representation of space, time and society.
This project benefits from the financial support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.