VOX is a publisher engaged in research on image practices. It produces monographic works that have become references for art history research in Quebec. Grouped under the collection A Posteriori, it also publishes essays on artists and curatorial practice or offering analyses on current issues. VOX is a member of CÉAC, a collective of publishers dedicated to the dissemination of contemporary art, which has come together to reflect on all aspects of publishing, from distribution to its digital future.

Journal VOX 192006
Maria Eichhorn. Film, vidéo, œuvre sonore by Nora M. Alter — Eichhorn pushes the limits of what conventionally constitutes an artist’s role—she often steers institutional forces in an attempt to subvert their logic.

Journal VOX 182006
Alain Declercq. Embedded versus Wildcat by Nina Folkersma — The artist is in town for an event devoted to conspiracy theories. His project follows the odyssey of a secret agent seeking answers to questions raised by the events of September 11, 2001.

Journal VOX 172005
Migration Areas —Raymonde April and Michèle Waquant in a interview by Chantal Boulanger.

Journal VOX 162005
Iain Baxter& N.E. Thing Co. by Marie J. Jean — This exhibition offers a rereading of the practice of Iain Baxter&, with a particular focus on the aesthetic agenda of the N.E. Thing Co., a conceptual enterprise founded by Baxter& in 1966 in Vancouver.

Journal VOX 152005
Le système de l'allusion by Marie J. Jean — Thus allusion is used by all the artists in this exhibition to posit a relationship between the work and its reference, so as to have their meaning rest on experience models that we are likely to recognize.

Journal VOX 132005
Nathalie Melikian by Olivier Asselin — Because the film is replaced by its description, its images by text, there is little to see in these works. But they leave much to the imagination. The melodramatic words, sounds, and music, obviously produce many mental images.

Journal VOX 122005
The Space of Making by Marie J. Jean — The work of the twelve artists in the present exhibition makes visible the real and illusionistic mechanisms involved in the production of photographic space.

Journal VOX 112004
Hannah Collins by Vincent Lavoie — La Mina is an extension of Hannah Collins’ previous photographic work, particularly that work in which the constructed environment is represented in light of cultural transmutations.

Journal VOX 102004
Fabulation by Marie Fraser — Rather than seeing a moment of apparition and unveiling of the image, as suggested by the metaphoric passage between sleep and consciousness or dream and reality, the artists here portray situations that arise from reality and transform it into the imaginary.

Journal VOX 092004
Awakening by Marie Fraser — Today, can the image still awaken us to something that is not already in the world, something that is not already constituted in images?

Journal VOX 082003
Michel François. The Liberated Eye by Chantal Pontbriand — Michel François’ work’s, one might say, is indefinable, since it navigates from one world to another, one support to another, one space or territory to another...

Journal VOX 072003
Species of Spaces by Chantal Grande and Marie-Josée Jean — The task of exposing space, of bringing it to light – the task, put another way, of analysing the visibility of the material objects around us – is the common thread running through this exhibition.

Journal VOX 062003
Dirk Braeckman. z.Z.(t) by Gregory Salzman — Dirk Braeckman’s art associates the senses of sight and touch. In his art, sight finds no clear aim or definite object and undergoes a certain blindness.

Journal — Lieux anthropiques2003
Lieux anthropiques by Claudine Roger — Qu’il soit paysage naturel ou espace urbain, architecture ou intérieur, le lieu demeure encore aujourd’hui le thème de prédilection de jeunes pratiques contemporaines.

Journal VOX 052002
Vera Greenwood. L’hôtel Soficalle by Anne Bénichou — During a stay in Paris in the winter of 1997–98, Vera Greenwood undertook a strange activity: she began to tail the French artist Sophie Calle.

Journal VOX 042002
Roy Arden. Selected Works 1985–2000 by Marnie Fleming — Roy Arden’s art work, in its subject matter and mise en scène, makes visible the “conflictual aspects” of urban and suburban life...

Journal VOX 032002
Doug Hall. Landscapes and Leisurescapes by Anna Novakov — Meticulously executed cityscapes and leisurescapes dominate Doug Hall’s exhibition...

Journal VOX 022002
Life in Real Time. Slow Motion by Marie J. Jean — How a new perception of time, characterized by simultaneous actions and instantaneous effects, affects our individual realities1.

Journal VOX 012001
Life in Real Time. Quick Mode by Élène Tremblay — The subjection of human beings and their environment to ever-increasing speed is not a new phenomenon, but in recent decades it has undergone astonishing acceleration…