arkadi lavoie lachapelle

My name is arkadi lavoie lachapelle. I was born the same year as the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Polytechnique massacre in Tiohtià:ke/Mooniyang/Montréal. I grew up in the countryside in a middle-class francophone family and am now based in Quebec’s metropolis. I question my own performance of white supremacy after 33 years of exposure to this pesticidal culture. Wondering how one might act to thwart the bud-burning capitalist-settler-patriarchal system is a daily questioning that brings me joy, friendships and nausea. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Visual and Media Arts from UQAM. My artistic adventures have been presented in several exhibitions, including at Le LOBE (Chicoutimi), SKOL (Montréal), École du Mont-de-la-Salle with Verticale (Laval), and Dare-Dare (Montréal). I was a finalist for the Prix Pierre-Ayot in 2020. \(^v^)/ [Source: VOX, 2022]