VOX — Centre de l’image contemporaine

Galeries Weekend Montreal 2024

Gallery Weekend Montreal

Sept. 26 to 29, 2024

Free - No reservation

VOX is happy to join the 2024 edition of Gallery Weekend Montreal! This year, seven artist-run centres take part in the programming in collaboration with the RCAAQ.

Enjoy extended evening hours and a special opening on Sunday to discover current exhibitions.

Visit with Alexandre Larose

On Friday September 27 at 6 p.m., come and meet Alexandre Larose on the occasion of the exhibition Chutes, curated by Nicole Gingras. The artist will be present to answer your questions and discuss the important research and experimentation process required to create the installation La Grande Dame (2018-2022).

This event is also presented as part of the Journées de la culture.

Alexandre Larose, La Grande Dame, 2018-2022